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CodeAspire > Blog > Difference between Technical SEO and On-page. How to Ace in

  • CodeAspire
  • Feb 03, 2021

Difference between Technical SEO and On-page. How to Ace in

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the gold standard for boosting your ranking, online business and identity. However, it is a complex subject that does not necessarily come with a standard guidebook and a summarized checklist.

SEO has many layers, different aspects, and attention is being given to the ways to get the most from it. Technical SEO and on-site SEO are essential and games should be seriously considered.

SEO has become a fast growing industry in the last decade as the highest ranking businesses also get the most traffic. This traffic is directly related to high profits for many people.

While this may sound intimidating, it does not mean that it can be ignored either. Knowing the essential aspects of SEO is often enough to achieve your business. Knowing sufficiently about the subject also gives you the ability to define your goals when investing in an SEO company.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the SEO aspect that involves improving all the technical parts of your website. They all work together to increase your ranking. How does it do this? Technical SEO is about increasing readability for all search engines, making them easier to understand your site and what you all are. It is a more specific part of on-site SEO but is continuously separated and summarized to include more specific aspects.

Technology is the best way to understand SEO and to know how search engine works. The way they act determines how you approach technical SEO and it is most important to find out first. Although there are more search engines than just Google, it is best to use it as a solid starting place.

How Search Engines Work?

The entire purpose of a search engine is to sort through billions of online entries and posts in the last three years.
As it has become wildly popular, tech industry giants have devised solutions to keep it somewhat out of the box and get the user to respond faster.
This solution was mainly centered around search engines.

Search engines use three primary functions to complete their work: crawling, indexing, and ranking.

Crawling: It sends a team of robots to scour the Internet for all types of content, new and updated. It mainly looks through the coded content under each URL that it can find.

Sequencing: Essentially, it does away with it, arranging it under specific types of content. When entered into its index, it will be able to display the page under relevant searches.

Ranking: Each query must have an organizational list. The search engine will provide the pieces it believes are best suited for the searcher's question. The idea is that the results will be ordered from least to most relevant.

Importance of Technical SEO?

While this may already seem obvious to you, the importance of SEO should not be lost. Without technical SEO, you didn't rank well with great content. Search engines must be able to go through their stages of crawling, indexing and ranking your site, or you will be completely disguised on the Internet.

A study conducted in 2018 through Medium's partnership with Seacality and Buzzstream helped define why technical SEO is essential. It has grown since then.

Characteristics of Technical SEO

1. Site architecture

2. XML sitemap

3. Mobile-friendly optimization

4. Lack of duplicate or thin content

5. Quick loading pages

6. No 404 error pages

7. Secured websites (SSL)

8. Structured data

9. Hreflang tags etc.

What is On-Site SEO?

On-site SEO is also commonly called on-page SEO because it is when you optimize specific elements on a website page. Such SEO often involves optimizing the combination of content of the page and HTML source code.

Importance of On-Site SEO

Optimization of content and HTML source code helps search engines interpret page content, and visitors understand what this is all about. This part of SEO targets each page rather than the fundamental aspects of the entire website, such as technical SEO.

Great-on-site SEO helps individual pages rank higher. The higher each of these pages, the better the overall website does.

In a separate study conducted for Outlook on Technical SEO, 67% of polling marketing executives advocate that on-page content development was their most effective SEO strategy. (Impact Plus, 2021)

Again, much of it is based on the way search engines go about their business. As they become more advanced, they focus more on relevance and even semantics. A well-structured website also requires having well-optimized pages that are well coded.

Characteristics of On-Site SEO

1. List of target keywords

2. Keyword cannibalization / Keyword stuffing

3. SEO optimized titles

4. Optimized on-page content

5. SEO-friendly URL

6. UX signals

7. Use EAT

8. Appropriate tagging and titling (Title tag / an HTML tag / Meta title)

9. Optimized Meta-Description

10. Content updates

11. Optimal image usage etc.

More Important: Technical SEO vs. On-Site SEO

The way your entire site is structured and projected for search engines and your visitors are tied into technical SEO. This is the complete foundation of your site and forms the basics of achieving it. If you do not have a solution for the aspects of technical SEO, it will lead to a lack of ranking. Worse, it may mean that there is no ranking. SEO is still important on the site, don't get us wrong. However, this is Robin for technical SEO Batman and should be treated as such. This helps to boost the rankings that you already have, not form the basis for them. Focus on technical SEO first, and then once you feel that it has become temporarily shrill, move the site to Limelight on SEO. Remember that none of these things are complete in the technological world of ever changing algorithms and update information. To keep your ranking as high as possible, continue the strategy for each one again.