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CodeAspire > Blog > Top Local Databases for React Native App Development

  • CodeAspire
  • Jan 07, 2021

Top Local Databases for React Native App Development

React Native is the best available framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android. Demands of reactive native development is increasing, and many organizations and developers rely on the framework and its ecosystem to ship mobile apps.

A common challenge during React Native development is to choose a database for your app. A variety of database options are available. In this post, we'll get to know what options are available and whether they can meet your needs, such as supporting offline development capabilities or scaling easily with your user base.

A list of database options that are included in this post:


Firebase and Cloud Firestore


Realm Database


WatermelonDB  etc

Realm Database for React Native -

One of most important database Realm was built by developers from scratch for offline and real-time applications running on mobile and wearable devices. The field is not an ORM or built on top of SQLite, has its own database engine and does not rely solely on key-value stores.

As you know why developers prefer to use Realm for handling large amounts of data or for high-performance applications. Scopes allow developers to frequently go through the mapping of classes, tables, foreign keys, or fields.

The field is an object-oriented database rather than a relational database. The OO model makes it 10 times faster than SQLite and saves you tons of running, which is common for a typical SQL database.